Reap the benefits of Cloud ERP in your business
1. Easy Migration
Installing on-premise ERP applications is daunting. It often requires downtime and always means significant time and effort with choosing a system, negotiating a price, installing, troubleshooting and maintaining the system. Cloud-based ERP is different. It requires no extensive installation and the workload can usually be migrated immediately, meaning no lost downtime. Many cloud ERP applications often offer a straightforward pricing structure, which is also a huge plus.
2. Less work for internal IT
After the system is up and running, most of the support comes directly from your cloud ERP partner. If you need changes made, have questions or experience issues, there is no waiting around for IT to have time to fix the problem or answer your questions. For businesses where IT is already overloaded (which includes most companies nowadays), cloud software is incredibly helpful in reducing the stress on IT while keeping workers productive.
3. Available anywhere, anytime
A cloud-based solution is not dependent on your internal infrastructure, so workers can access the system anytime they need it from anywhere they happen to be. This means that they can work from home, work while traveling and work during hours when systems are normally down for maintenance (such as over the weekend or late at night). Even if your entire IT infrastructure is lost in a fire or natural disaster, your data and workflows remain intact and accessible via the cloud.
4. Compatible with other tools
A common problem found in many legacy ERP systems is a lack of compatibility with other systems, especially as you upgrade to new software. Cloud-based software often employs standard tools to quickly facilitate integration with other technology so that you can stream data from other systems into your ERP for a more complete, accurate, up-to-date view of your company’s data.
5. Access to the latest version
Updating and upgrading on-premises software is costly, time-consuming and sometimes just doesn’t get done. Updates generally bring downtime, which most companies can’t easily afford. An upgrade is expensive, and also comes with downtime, troubleshooting and all of the issues your IT department faces when installing any new software package. Cloud-based ERP gives you constant access to the latest version, without paying more or shutting down production for an installation.
6. No-more software licensing audit
Software companies have gotten more aggressive in recent years about auditing the businesses that use their software. Even if your business is compliant with licensing requirements, it is expensive and a hassle to go through the auditing process. With a cloud platform, there is no in-house software to audit. You never have to worry about getting one of those dreaded audit notification letters